西昌学院是经教育部2003年批准组建的省属全日制普通多科性本科院校。坐落在举世闻名的中国西昌航天城。这里四季如春,资源丰富,素有 月城 、春城 的美誉。学院前身Xichang CollegeCollege OverviewXichang College is located in Xichang City----a world famous satellitecity, which is rich in natural resources and characterized by itsspring-like climate all the year round, about 500km away from Chengdu,the capital city of Sichuan Province, P. R. China. Xichang College haslarge, beautiful campuses. The garden-like campuses cover an area of1851mu (about 123 hectares). It is not only beautiful with greenhills, clean rivers and luxuriant vegetation, but also equipped withadvanced teaching facilitates, with instruments valued ¥84,720,000,and 1,768,200 books stored in the library, lecture halls equipped with3,277 computers, and multi-media audio-lingual rooms offering14,790seats, the building area taking up some 340,000㎡. There are nowover 1,000 faculties, including 255 professors and associateprofessors, 201doctors and postgraduates and 8 foreign teachers. Thestudent dorm has an access of telephone, Internet and TV. The studyingand living facilities are all ready on the campuses.
Xichang College consists of 18 departments offering 37 4-year and 213-year specialties. The college puts stress on such special fields asagriculture, engineering and teacher training without neglecting adultfurther education and professional education. The college enrollsstudents from Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shanxi, Hubei andso on. Presently, there are over 12,000 full-time students. Besides,adult and self-taught students amount to 9,857. The college is in thecourse of education reform, carrying out “credit system,”
“double-teacher system,” “tutorial system,” and constructing “3-levelteaching and practice style” as well as “personnel fostering style bycombining production, study and research together.” The college hasalready set up quality supervision and evaluation system to improvethe effects of teaching.
As a large, dynamic and diverse university of the 21st century,Xichang College offers a wide range of programs, exchange or visitingstudent programs, and flexible Chinese Language Training and YiLanguage (language used by Yi nationality) programs at differentlevels are also available for international students.
Xichang College is the right choice to start a successful career. Yourtime at Xichang College will be an exciting, rewarding, and memorablelife experience.
About our CityXichang is a vibrant, enthusiastic, beautiful scientific city. It’salso called “the Moon City” for its beautiful moonlight; “the SpringCity” for its spring-like climate all the year round and “theSatellite City”. Xichang has a long history, lovely scenery and longcultural origin. It not only has Lushan mountain; Luoji mountain; butalso has Qionghai Lake; Lugu Lake; hot spring in Puge and Xide county.
The world-famous daughters kingdom is located by Lugu Lake. JiuzhaigouValley, Leshan Giant Buddha, Mt. Emei, Dujiangyan Irrigation Project,Shanxingdui Ruins and Wolong Nature Preserve Park, all listed as WorldNature & Culture Heritage, are also only a few hours away. Inaddition, Xichang is the capital city of Liangshan Yi People AutonomyState. Besides Yi people, there are many minorities, such as Tibetan,Qiang nationality, Hui nationality and so on. Their colorfultraditions and cultures draw a lot of friends from home and abroadeach year.
Programs for International StudentsInternational students have the following options at Xichang College:
(1) Visiting student status (non-degree granting) for one or twoyears;(2) Short-term Chinese studies programs or Yi language courses.
Visiting student(1) Application prerequisites: a personal resume, highest degreecertificate, official academic transcripts, certificate of ChineseProficiency level, a photocopy of passport. To ensure the quality ofteaching, Chinese proficiency examination for visiting student will beheld after enrollment. Having passed the examination, the student canbegin his/her specialized studying, If not, he/she should make upChinese studying, and then pass the examination organized by XichangCollege.
(2) Enrollment Specialties and Tuition (per year/ per person)DepartmentSpecialtiesEntrance Examination SubjectsTuitionAgricultureCrop Cultivation; Plant Physiology; Animal Medical Science;Horticulture; ForestryChinese LanguageRMB 10000Yi languageYi languageChinese LanguageChinese Language and LiteratureShort-term ProgramsShort-term Chinese Studies Programs or Yi language coursesSpring semester (from March to July)Fall Semester (from September to January)Tuition:
a. Application fee: RMB400.00 for each memberb. Tuitions: (including the expenses of picking-up and driving to theairport, expenses of the first-week orientation guide)Two-week course RMB 1,900Three-week course RMB 2,400Four-week course RMB 3,000Six-week course RMB 4,500Eight-week course RMB 5,300Accommodations:
Student Dorm: RMB10.00 per day, with TV, telephone, and bathroom;Apartment: RMB800.00 per month, with two bedrooms, one study room, oneliving room, kitchen, bathroom, TV, telephone, Internet access,Fridge. The apartment buildings have 24-hour security.
Teaching Arrangements:
A. Class hours: 8 to 12 a.m., 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., Monday throughFriday, 16-20 hours per week.
B. Chinese language teaching:
Required courses: Chinese reading, spoken Chinese, Pronunciation,Listening and Writing, etc.
Selective courses: Chinese folk-customs, translation, newspaperreading, classical Chinese, and Chinese Gongfu, and selected readingsof contemporary literature, and etc., putting focus on the ability touse Chinese in real communications.
C. Yi language teaching:
Required courses: Basic Yi Language, Spoken Yi Language,Pronunciation, Listening and Writing, etc.
Selective courses: Chinese Folk-customs, Yi’s Culture and Arts,classical Chinese, etc.
l The exchange programmes with foreign universities or colleges.
Our college puts forward some programmes which we are interested in asfollows:
1. Joint programmes. We can exchange students (for example, thefour-year students may study the first year in Xichang college thefollowing 2 years in USA and the last year in China).
2. Facilitate faculty exchanges.
3. Visiting experts exchange programme.
4. Joint research projects.
Contact InfoContact: Ms Wang QinTel: +86-834-2580106 (O);+86-834-6159307;13881530110Fax: +86-834-2580078E-mail: xccfao@yahoo.comAddress: Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, XichangCollege, Mapingba, Xichang, Sichuan, P. R. China.
Postcode: 615013西 昌 学 院西昌学院是经教育部2003年批准组建的省属全日制普通多科性本科院校。坐落在举世闻名的中国西昌航天城。这里四季如春,资源丰富,素有“月城”、“春城”的美誉。学院前身为1939年北洋工学院迁至西昌创建的国立西康技艺专科学校,距今已有近70年的办学历史。
学费标准:(单位:人民币/元)学生类别学 费入 学 时 间专业类长期进修生比照语言类的学费标准上浮 10%-50%每年6月,1月申请 每年9月,3月开学语言类长期进修生10,000元/年语言类短期进修生两周课程 1,900元 三周课程2,400元 四周课程3,000元 六周课程4,500元 八周课程 5,300元双方商议注册费:400.00元/生生活设施及条件学院所在地四川省西昌市四季如春,素有“月城”、“春城”之美誉。学院环境优美,为留学生提供了舒适的住宿条件。宿舍内有厨房、会客厅、卧室、浴室、卫生间,配有电视、冰箱、洗衣机、热水器、微波炉、床、衣柜等基本生活设施,设有电话和因特网端口。留学生可自己做饭,也可在学院餐厅或食堂就餐。住宿标准:人民币800元/套。
地址:中国四川省西昌市马坪坝 西昌学院外事处邮编:615013电话:+86-834-2580106 (O);+86-834-6159307;13881530110传真:+86-834-2580078邮箱:xccfao@yahoo.com.cnxccfao@yahoo.com